Saturday, 26 October 2013


Ellooooo Pookies!

Hope ya'll having a wonderful weekend! I'm spending mine decorating Son's bedroom with the Hubby. We are currently taking a break with a well earned coffee \o/ Sooo I thought I'd post before we have to get back to it.

GFW is on and Hollipocket have this gorgeous Kitty Top out for sale. Its mesh and includes appliers for Tango boobages.
Its obviously a hit with RL Kittys too cos one of mine - Smudge, (Or Lady Smudgington as she insists on being called) is currently curled up on my lap as I type <3

Hair - Beautmont - Summer PackTableau Vivant 
Headband - My Latex headband - BlackUtopiaH 
Earrings - Lipton - Silver7891 on MP  
Necklace - Glamorous CrossBens Beauty 
Top - Sweet Mcflurry Top - Pusseh Cat @ Hollipocket   (For GFW) (New) 
Torso Tattoo - Miriam Your Cocain at Fi*Fridays 
Hip Tattoo - Fairytales Phat AzzVestigium at Horrorfest 
Rings - Hello Bow - Night @ Candydoll  (New) 
Nails - Ultra Mesh NailsJamman 
Jeans - Smack It Bum - Set 7 Hollipocket  
Boots - Regency Boots - Black Leather Bax