Sunday 20 January 2013

Candy floss

Hello everyone!!

Happy sunday to all :o)

As its sunday, that means lazy sunday, and Hollipocket has this pack of 3 pretty pastel tops on sale. The Wrap up tops come with tango appliers included.

As I mentioned yesterday, Im on a hunt for hair that shows the ears, so I can display my new toys lol, and Ploom was were I headed, and didnt disappoint \o/

Hair - Mimi- Pinks & PurplesPloom 
Piercing - Fire in the water - FrostHoD 
Glasses - Reader glasses - WhiteAcid & Mala 

Ears - Plain ears - Size 3 
Ear accessories - Piercing set #1 add on & White bling tunnel add on
All @ Zombie suicide 

Tops - Wrap up tops @ Hollipocket (For Lazy sunday) 
Nails - Long nails V2 - passion - Ombre pack 2Mstyle 
Rings - Melissa rings - Pink leatherBens beauty 

Tattoos ::
Left hip - Boy count - Faded
Right hip - Sisters symbol - Fresh 
Both @ Tenjin

Skirt - Itty Bitty mini - Pink L'exception 
Tights - Fishet wide - Full - White Erratic 
Garter - Smexay garter - White - Dotty - PinkHollipocket
Boots - Mesh Neo Mega Stompers*Epic*