Saturday 2 March 2013

Can I borrow your shirt?

Hello Lovely ladies!!

As mentioned yesterday, a new round of Bewbapalooza begins today, and its another absolute stormer \o/
My first pick of the crop is these gorgeous boyfriend shirts, they come in 6 colours, and include the neck ties and waist ties. The are open at the front, so you can give a tempting glimpse or cover up with the knicks included - or ya own faves. Ive chosen a pair of Hollipockets peeping knicks, so hawt.
The nails Im wearing are absolutely brilliant, they're mesh, and exclusive to WCF2, they come in 4 colours, all of em totes awesome. Scroll down to the bottom to see all 4 designs :o)

Hair - Ivette- Rouge & Julia - Rye (New) (Exclusive) 
Both @ Wasabi pills at WCF2 
Earrings - Cross earrings - Silver @ Bens beauty at WCF2  (New) (Exclusive)
Shirts - Shirt & tie dresses  - White & CrimsonDNCY at Bewbapalooza
Knickers - Biscuit panty - Peeper - BlackHollipocket 
Rings - Melissa - Black leatherBens beauty 
Nails - Exclu - Red nails @ Jammon at WCF2  (New) (Exclusive) 
Stockings - Knee highs Sheer 
Shoes - Emporium - BlackN-Core 

Nails @ Jammon at WCF2  (New) (Exclusive)