Saturday, 21 September 2013

Down By The Lake

Hewwoooooo Love Monkehs <3

On asking my (RL) Husband what to call this post (I'd thought and thought, and come up with nothing - this is always the worst and hardest part of blogging!!) he came up with. . . . . . "Girl standing by water". . . . yeah I decided not to call it that :o/
Not that "Down by the lake" is any more creative . . .but ughhh!
Lmao, so anyhooooo. . . . . .

I had wanted to play around with sky/water settings while I was at this location, but sadly - as is all too common in public places - a knobhead decided to attempt to grief/annoy/etc me while I was there. He was a cat avatar  (obvs cant afford to get a decent skin/shape then) which is a Piss off cos I love cats >:o/ And repeatedly tried to walk me/push me off the edge of the dock I was standing on. As I have an Easy Tool Radar, I switched my People Push Protector on when I knew what he was trying to do, and was able to take my pics - unfortunately tho, I wasn't able to play around with windlight on this location :(
I am really really thinking about shelling out for a decent defender though, as going out on location for nice pics has become a minefield - seriously, have these people have no SL at all that they have to annoy people who do?

Hair - Curious - Hud 03 @ Magika  (New) 
Makeup  - War FacepaintModish 
Necklace - Angel Wing A @ Natural at Fat Pack Week (Fat Pack Week) 
Top/Dungarees - Seevice - Denim @ Pr!ck at Silicone  (New-Exclusive) 
Booby Tattoo - Lacey Lace - Night @ Fappy at Bewbapalooza (New-Exclusive) 
Bracelets - Tiny Round Bracelets - BlackEclipse Art Studio 
Rings - Melissa - Black Leather Bens Beauty 
Bullet Garter - Back To War Dirtyland 
Knees - Wounded Knees 01Suicidal Unborn 
Boots - Triumph GoS